Journal Papers
- Daisuke Komura, Takayuki Isagawa, Kazuki Kishi, Ryohei Suzuki, Reiko Sato, Mariko Tanaka, Hiroto Katoh, Shogo Yamamoto, Kenji Tatsuno, Masashi Fukayama, Hiroyuki Aburatani and Shumpei Ishikawa, CASTIN: a system for comprehensive analysis of cancer-stromal interactome, BMC Genomics (2016), 17:899
International Conferences (Refereed)
- Ryohei Suzuki and Takeo Igarashi, Collaborative 3D Modeling by the Crowd, in Proceedings of the 43rd International Conference on Graphics, Visualization & Human-computer Interaction (GI 2017). [Project]
- Ryohei Suzuki, Daisuke Sakamoto, Takeo Igarashi, AnnoTone: Record-time Audio Watermarking for Context-aware Video Editing, in Proceedings of the 33rd ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2015), Best Paper Honorable Mention Award. [Project]
- Sunao Hashimoto, Ryohei Suzuki, Youichi Kamiyama, Masahiko Inami, Takeo Igarashi, LightCloth: Senseable Illuminating Optical Fiber Cloth for Creating Interactive Surfaces, in Proceedings of the 31st ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2013), pp.603-606, (April 27 – May 2, Paris, 2013). [PDF]
International Conferences (Juried poster, etc.)
- Ryohei Suzuki, Daisuke Komura, Shumpei Ishikawa, Learning High-level Features of Pathology Images Using Multi-Resolution Convolutional Auto-Encoders, 15th European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB 2016), Posters
- Ryohei Suzuki, Daisuke Komura, Kazuki Yamamoto, Shumpei Ishikawa, MOLding: Gesture-based Interactive Molecular Dynamics for Protein Structure Manipulation, 13th European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB 2014), Posters, (September 7 - 10, Strasbourg, 2014). [PDF]
- Ryohei Suzuki, Daisuke Komura, Kazuki Yamamoto, Shumpei Ishikawa, Restraint-based 3D Shape Manipulation Method using Hand Gestures for Interactive Molecular Dynamics, in Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology (MCCMB 2013), Posters, (July 25 - July 28, Moscow, 2013). [Abst]
- Sunao Hashimoto, Ryohei Suzuki, Youichi Kamiyama, Masahiko Inami, Takeo Igarashi, LightCloth: Senseable Illuminating Optical Fiber Cloth for Creating Interactive Surfaces, in Proceedings of the 31st ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2013), Video Showcase, (April 27 – May 2, Paris, 2013). [Video]
Domestic Journal Papers
- 鈴木 良平, 坂本 大介, 五十嵐 健夫 AnnoTone:高周波音の映像収録時埋め込みによる編集支援, コンピュータソフトウェア, Japan Society for Software Science and Technology, 2015 (受理済)
- 鈴木 良平, 絶対に見つけられない『ウォーリーをさがせ!』, あの人の研究論文集, Vol.5, No.1, 2014年8月
Domestic Conferences & Symposiums
- 鈴木 良平, 五十嵐 健夫, マイクロタスク型クラウドソーシングによる協調的三次元モデリング, Visual Computing/グラフィクスとCAD合同シンポジウム2017 (VC/GCAD 2017). (oral presentation) [プロジェクト]
- 鈴木 良平, 坂本 大介, 五十嵐 健夫, AnnoTone:高周波音の映像収録時埋め込みによる編集支援, 22th Workshop on Interactive Systems and Software (WISS 2014). 2014年11月. (oral presentation) [Slide]
- 橋本直, 鈴木 良平, 神山 洋一, 稲見 昌彦, 五十嵐 健夫, LightCloth: 光入出力可能な布状インタフェースの提案, インタラクション2013論文集, pp.564-565, (2013年2月28日 - 3月2日, 日本科学未来館), (demonstration) インタラクティブ発表賞
Honors & Awards
- Best Paper Honorable Mention Award, CHI 2015 (for paper "AnnoTone: Record-time Audio Watermarking for Context-aware Video Editing")
- Innovative Technologies (LightCloth), DIGITAL CONTENT EXPO 2013, METI(Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry), 2013
- Best Interactive Presentation Award, Interaction 2013 (for demonstration of LightCloth)
Scholarships & Grants
- Jun. 2015, Exploratory IT Human Resources Project (2,400,000 JPY)
- Oct. 2014, NS Solutions Corporation scholarship for excellence in studies (1,800,000 JPY)
Contests, etc.
- Ryohei Suzuki, Ryohei Fushimi, Naoki Wake, Yuuri Munakata, Sight, JPHACKS 2014, (December 13-20, 2014, U-Tokyo). (awarded by Recruit Holdings & Accenture)
- Ryohei Suzuki, Ryohei Fushimi, Sou Araya, Yosuke Takami, Toastify, 6th Annual UIST Student Innovation Contest (SIC), (October 5-8, 2014, Honolulu). [Video] (3rd people's choice award)
- Grand Prix, Japanese High School Chemistry Grand Prix, 2009 (2nd place out of 3078 participants)
- Microsoft Honorable Mention Award, Japanese Student Science Award, 2007 (for research project "Skizblaznir: Peer-to-Peer based Extensible Social Networking System")